Brief aan Kirill, patriarch van Moskou

Aartsbisschop Bernd Wallet heeft, mede namens de bisschoppen van de Unie van Utrecht, een brief gestuurd aan Kirill, de patriarch van Moskou en geestelijk leider van de Russisch-Orthodoxe kerk. Hierin roept hij hem op zich in te zetten voor de vrede in Oekraïne. Lees hieronder de Engelse versie van de brief.

To His Holiness Kirill
Patriarch of Moscow and of All Russia

Utrecht, Wednesday, 2 March 2022

We greet Your Holiness at the beginning of the Great Fast in our Western Church. It is in the spirit of these Great Forty Days, in which we focus on what our Christian life should be, that I write to you at this difficult time in Europe. As many of our faithful have joined the global day of fasting and prayer for the restoration of peace this Ash Wednesday, we urge you to do everything you can to stop the present-day violence against the innocent people of Ukraine. Women and children have fled their homes. People live in fear. War threatens the security and well-being of many in our common home Europe, including in your own country. I am well aware of the deep historical and spiritual ties between your countries, but how can this violence ever be fruit of a Christian life? Your Holiness, you are in a unique position to make a difference. Please make it clear to President Putin how the Kingdom of God is justice and peace. We pray the Holy Wisdom of God may guide you to find a solution.

We remain with the greatest esteem and love in our Saviour Jesus Christ

✠ Barend Theodoor

Archbishop of Utrecht

Primate of the Union of Utrecht of Old Catholic Churches

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